CMM 본사와 지사의 재택근무 안내

by YounleeLee posted Mar 20, 2020


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Illinois Governor has issued a ‘stay-at-home’ order for the entire state starting at 5pm, March 21 through at least April 30 to try to slow the coronavirus’s spread.


To follow Governor’s order as best we can, the headquarters of CMM have decided to work from home its nonessential parts of the operation. The branch offices in California, New York, Georgia, and Texas work at home also.


CMM kindly asks for our members’ deep understanding during this work-from-home period as we may unintentionally provide atypical quality of call service. Also, we ask for our members’ patience for the temporary limited services as a result from the coronavirus pandemic.


May Almighty God be with you all CMM members and their families!

일리노이, 캘리포니아, 텍사스, 조지아, 뉴욕지역 자택 대피령(Shelter-in-place)으로 인한 CMM  재택근무 안내


코로나바이러스(COVID-19) 급격한 확산을 막기 위해 CMM 기독의료상조회 본사가 위치한 일리노이주에 자택 대피령 (shelter-in-place)’ 내려졌습니다. 이로 인해 CMM 일부 업무는 3 23()부터 4 말까지 재택근무로 진행됨을 알려드립니다 또한 캘리포니아와 텍사스, 조지아, 뉴욕지역에도 자택 대피령이 내려져 해당 지역의 CMM지부 업무도 재택근무로 진행됩니다.


재택근무는 원격 시스템으로 운영됨으로 전화 연결과 통화 품질이 원활치 않을  있음을 양해해 주시기 바랍니다 또한 의료비 지원 관련 업무에 회원들과 제한적인 서비스가 이루어질  있음을 양해해 주시기 바랍니다.


CMM 회원 여러분 모두 어려운 시기에 안전하고 건강하시길 기도합니다

 Christian Mutual Med-Aid 

*4월 7일까지 예정이었던 CMM의 본사 일부 자택 업무는 일리노이 주정부의 새 지침에 따라 4월 30일까지 연장됨을 알려드립니다.

Last Updated 4/3/2020